
Northernmost island of Japan, known for its skiing, snowboarding, and natural beauty, including national parks and hot springs.

Northeast region of Japan, including six prefectures and known for its mountainous terrain, seafood, and festivals.

Central region of Japan, including Tokyo and surrounding prefectures, known for being the economic, political, and cultural hub of the country.

Central region of Japan, including Nagoya, Toyota, and the Japanese Alps, known for its industry, natural beauty, and traditional culture.

Western region of Japan, including Osaka, Kyoto, and Kobe, known for its history, architecture, food, and entertainment.

Western region of Japan, including Hiroshima and Okayama, known for its historic sites, cultural attractions and natural beauty, including the Seto Inland Sea.

Smallest of Japan’s main islands, known for its scenic beauty, hiking trails, hot springs, and pilgrimage routes.

Southernmost of Japan’s four main islands, known for its natural beauty, hot springs, cultural attractions, and historic sites such as Nagasaki and Kumamoto.

Southernmost prefecture of Japan, consisting of over a hundred islands surrounded by coral reefs, known for its tropical climate, beaches, traditional culture, and history.